New President
Congratulations to the new president of the Ocean Beach Malibu Club, Chris Taylor, who was unchallenged for the position at today's annual general meeting.
Congratulations also to the four other new committee members for 2022, Michelle Cuthbertson, Turiya Stallion, Brett Wakelin and Artie Kopylov.
The 2022 committee is: President - Chris Taylor, Vice President - John Rodney, Child Protection Officer - Sally Oman, Treasurer - Matt Sing, Secretary - Alison Ward, Contest Director - John Rodney, Assistant Contest Director - Artie Kopylov, Gear Steward 1 - Mitch Conwell, Gear Steward 2 - Turiya Stallion, Social Director - Yumi Pines, Social Committee - Hannah Pragnell-Raasch, Brett Wakelin and Michelle Cuthbertson.
Thank you to those who made the effort to attend the meeting. It turned out to be a very comfortable location. Thank you to everyone who supported me during my 20 years on the committee.
Now to enjoy my freedom.
Cheers, Craig Coulton.